My first book is a careful selection of 344 pages worth of stories previously published in my fanzine.
It is currently available both in German (original) and in French. The reader follows the young protagonist through her nightmares, unpleasant encounters with her parents, fears and anxieties.
"Zwang", published by Edition Moderne in April 2021:
«Geburt und Tod sind treibende Themen (in "Zwang"). So inszeniert sie in "Das Ende" und "Die Geburt" die Geburt der Protagonistin - bezwiehungsweise ihre Rückkehr in den Mutterleib.Geburt und Tod sind zwei Seiten der Medaille des Lebens, immer wieder scheint diese sich in "Zwang" zu drehen und den Leser mit ihren Hochglanz-Seiten zu blenden.»
"Simone et moi" published by Les Editions Martin de Halleux:
In the fall of 2021, the book was also published in France by Martin de Halleux. It has a different cover and a different title, but it contains the same stories as "Zwang".
France Inter gave it the label of "Découverte jeune talent France Inter".